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[TEEN TROUBLES] is an album based on Cho hu il's autobiographical experiences, which recalls a summer in 1999
when a teenage boy wandering around looking for love was a frank self-confession and turning point in his life.


Will you tell me again? I didn't hear anything The fire is out I can't see anything now I knew it for a second It's time to get tired of the excitement Ring Ring Ring Don't make a sad face To my heart without boundaries There's no suspicious design Ring Ring Ring Don't try to understand me with only weak worries That's how I'm supposed to be Will you tell me again? I didn't hear anything Even though you're looking for something new I'll keep remembering the past We're gonna crash But it's better than being dizzy Ring Ring Ring You are so stupid I love you as much as I do There's no one like that Ling Ling Ling You'll find out eventually Normal things are for you and me It doesn't suit me at all My crush You will always be my crush Ring Ring Ring Don't make a sad face To my heart without boundaries There's no suspicious design Ring Ring Ring Don't try to understand me I'm always like that when I only worry about being weak Ring Ring Ring Don't say anything On the day you come back He's not abandoning us anymore Ling Ling Ling This is a handful of sand The moment you spill it, you float away That's how we're supposed to be
